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Fiends' magical nature allows them to crossbreed with virtually any creature. Spawned deep in the dark, nether planes, these fiendish offspring are abominations that plague mortal creatures. Demons and devils bring their progeny along to the Material Plane and loose them upon the world. Sometimes, however, fiends force themselves upon mortal creatures to create evil half-breeds. The more depraved creatures are sometimes even willing to participate. Although half-fiend offspring are usually destroyed at birth, some survive to become grotesque mockeries of their mortal parents. All too rarely, though, one learns from and takes on the characteristics of its nonfiendish parent, turning from it's evil heritage. No matter the form, half-fiends are always hideous to behold, having dark scales, horns, glowing red eyes, batwings, a fetid odor, or some other obvious sign that they are tainted with evil. Never truly fitting into any mortal society, half-fiends are usually loners. In the infernal planes, they are mistreated and derided for their impure nature. Among nonfiends, they are outcasts, hated corruptions of the natural order. Humanoid half-fiends are sometimes called "cambions". They often serve more powerful fiends or lead evil creatures on the Material plane.
Half-fiend is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature (referred to hereafter as the Base Creature). The creature's type changes to Outsider. It uses the entire base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted below:
Special Attacks
Special Qualities
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