Featured below is a compiled listing of many of the prestige classes that we've come across in various products. For reference, all the "official" DnD prestige classes will be listed first, and then an additional listing will be posted below that, with prestige classes from various d20 books by other publishing companies.
Due to complaints particularly about the Prestige classes from the Complete Warrior and a reporting to WotC, we have taken down all the prestiege classes we had linked here. While WotC never oficially contacted us we took them down anyway as we want no legal trouble. Therefore the prestiege class list will never be relinked or any new information added from this point foreward. I personally apologize to everyone; strangers, players and Mike for any inconvience I had caused for having them up, and any trouble this inconvience will cause for me taking them down! It cannot be helped, I'm sorry.
- Acolyte of the Skin
[ Tome and Blood p.43-5 ]
- Agent Retriever
[ Epic Level Handbook p.24-5 ]
- Alienist
[ Tome and Blood p.45-7)
- Ancestral Avenger
[ Dragon Magazine #279, p.84-5 ]
- Animal Lord
[ Masters of the Wild p.43-6 ]
- Anointed Knight
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.49-51 ]
- Apostle of Peace
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.51-3 ]
- Arachne
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.183-4 ]
- Arachnomancer
[ The Underdark p.28-30 ]
- Arcane Archer
[ Dungeon Master's Guide p.28 ]
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.176-7 ]
- Arcane Devotee
[ Forgotten Realms p.40-1 ]
- Arcane Trickster
[ Tome and Blood p.47-9 ]
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.177-8 ]
- Archmage
[ Forgotten Realms p.41-2 ]
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.178-9 ]
- Assassin
[ Dungeon Master's Guide p.29-30 ]
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.180-1 ]
- Oppressor
[ Dragon Magazine #312, p.40-3 ]
- Poisoner
[ Dragon Magazine #312, p.43-5 ]
- Replacement Killer
[ Dragon Magazine #312, p.40-3 ]
- Athar
[ Dragon Magazine #287, p.45-6 ]
- Auspician
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.184-6 ]
- Bane of Infidels
[ Masters of the Wild p.46-7 ]
- Battle Howler of Gruumsh
[ Dragon Magazine #311, p.69 ]
- Bear Warrior
[ Complete Warrior, p.16-7 ]
- Beloved of Valarian
[ Book of Exalted Good, p.53-4 ]
- Blackguard
[ Dungeon Master's Guide p.30-2 ]
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.181-3 ]
- Bladesinger Original Version* [ Races of Faerūn p.179-180 ]
Bladesinger 3.5 [ Complete Warrior p.17-9 ]
- Blighter
[ Masters of the Wild p.48-9 ]
- Bloodhound
[ Masters of the Wild p.49-52 ]
- Blood Magus
[ Tome and Blood p.50-2 ]
- Bloodsister
[ Dragon Magazine #298, p.90-2 ]
- Branch Dancer
[ Dragon Magazine #310, p.70-1 ]
- Brawler
[ Dragon Magazine #295, p.72-3 ]
- Breachgnome
[ Races of Faerun p.181-2 ]
- Buccaneer
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.47-8 ]
- Cancer Mage
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.52-4 ]
- Candle Caster
[ Tome and Blood p.52-5 ]
- Cavalier
[ Sword and Fist p.12-13 ]
[ Complete Warrior p.19-20 ]
- Cavelord
[ The Underdark p.30-2 ]
- Cave Stalker
[ Dragon Magazine #292, p.52-4 ]
- Celestial Mystic
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.55-6 ]
- Champion of Gwynharwye
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.56-8 ]
- Chimeric Champion of Garl Glittergold
[ Dragon Magazine #328 p.23-4 ]
- Church Inquisitor
[ Defenders of the Faith p.51-2 ]
- Cipher
[ Dragon Magazine #287, p.46-7 ]
- Consecrated Harrier
[ Defenders of the Faith p.52-4 ]
- Contemplative
[ Defenders of the Faith p.54-6 ]
- Cosmic Descryer
[ Epic Level Handbook p.26-7 ]
- Dancer of Sharess
[ Dragon Magazine #290, p.92-3 ]
- Dark Hunter
[ Complete Warrior p.20-3 ]
- Darkmask
[ Lords of Darkness p.33-4 ]
- Darkwater Knight
[ Dragon Magazine #314 p.44-5 ]
- Darkwood Stalker
[ Dragon Magazine #292, p.58-9 ]
[ Complete Warrior p.23-5 ]
- Deep Avenger
[ Dragon Magazine #298, p.56-7 ]
- Deep Diviner
[ The Underdark p.32-3 ]
- Deep Thrall
[ Dragon Magazine #300, p.59-61 ]
- Deepwood Sniper
[ Masters of the Wild p.52-3 ]
- Defender of Sealtiel
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.58-9 ]
- Demonologist
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.54-6 ]
- Dervish
[ Complete Warrior p.25-7 ]
- Devoted Defender
[ Sword and Fist p.13-14 ]
- Diabolist
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.56-7 ]
- Disciple of Asmodeus
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.57-8 ]
- Disciple of Baalzebub
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.58-9 ]
- Disciple of Dispater
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.60 ]
- Disciple of Mammon
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.60-1 ]
- Disciple of Mephistopheles
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.62-3 ]
- Divine Champion
[ Forgotten Realms p.42-3 ]
- Divine Disciple
[ Forgotten Realms p.43-4 ]
- Divine Emissary
[ Epic Level Handbook p.27-8 ]
- Divine Oracle
[ Defenders of the Faith p.56-7 ]
- Divine Seeker
[ Forgotten Realms p.44-5 ]
- Doomguide
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.186-88 ]
- Dragon Disciple
[ Tome and Blood p.55-7 ]
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.183-5 ]
- Dragonkith
[ Dragon Magazine #284, p.68-9 ]
- Dragon Warrior
[ Dragon Magazine #298, p.104-5 ]
- Dread Pirate
[ Song and Silence p.5-6 ]
- Dreadmaster
[ Dragon Magazine #287, p.82-3 ]
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.188-89 ]
- Drow Judicator
[ The Underdark p.33-5 ]
- Drunken Master
[ Sword and Fist p.14-7 ]
[ Complete Warrior p.27-30 ]
- Duelist
[ Sword and Fist p.17-18 ]
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.185-6 ]
- Dungeon Delver
[ Song and Silence p.7-8 ]
- Dwarven Battlerager
[ Races of Faerūn p.178-9 ]
- Dwarven Defender
[ Dungeon Master's Guide p.32-3 ]
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.186-7 ]
- Dwarven Thane
[ Dragon Magazine #299, p.104-6 ]
- Dweomerkeeper
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.189-90 ]
- Eldritch Knight
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.187-8 ]
- Elemental Archon
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.190-93 ]
- Elemental Savant
[ Tome and Blood p.57-8 ]
- Elven High Mage
[ Races of Faerūn p.182-3 ]
- Emancipated Spawn
[ Savage Species p.75-8 ]
- Emissary of Barachiel
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.59-61 ]
- Entropist
[ Lords of Darkness p.138-40 ]
- Epic Infiltrator
[ Epic Level Handbook p.28-30 ]
- Exalted Arcanist
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.61-2 ]
- Exotic Weapon Master
[ Masters of the Wild p.53-4 ]
[ Complete Warrior p.30-1 ]
- Eye of Gruumsh
[ Masters of the Wild p.54-6 ]
[ Complete Warrior p.31-4 ]
- Faceless One
[ Dragon Magazine #300 p.58-9 ]
- Fang of Lolth
[ Song and Silence p.8-10 ]
- Fatespinner
[ Tome and Blood p.58-60 ]
- Fiend Binder
[ Dragon Magazine #292, p.54-6 ]
- Fiend Slayer
[ Dragon Magazine #287, p.84-5 ]
- Fierce Grappler
[ Dragon Magazine #295, p.72 ]
- Fist of Raziel
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.62-4 ]
- Flame Steward
[ Dragon Magazine #283 p.84-5 ]
- Fleet Runner of Ehlonna
[ Dragon Magazine #283 p.44-76 ]
- Flesh Eater
[ Dragon Magazine #300, p.68-9 ]
- Foe Hunter
[ Masters of the Wild p.56-7 ]
- Force Missile Mage
[ Dragon Magazine #328 p.50-2 ]
- Forest Master
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.193-94 ]
- Forsaker
[ Masters of the Wild p.57-9)
- Frenzied Berserker
[ Masters of the Wild p.59-60 ]
[ Complete Warrior p. 34-6 ]
- Geomancer
[ Masters of the Wild p.60-3 ]
- Ghostwalker
[ Sword and Fist p.20-1 ]
- Giant-killer
[ Silver Marches p.109-10 ]
- Gladiator
[ Sword and Fist p.21-2 ]
- Gloomblade
[ Dragon Magazine #298, p.57-8 ]
- Gnome Artificer
[ Magic of Faerūn p.23-6 ]
- Gnome Giant-Slayer
[ Complete Warrior p. 36-8 ]
- Goldeye
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.194-96 ]
- Gray Sage
[ Dragon Magazine #298, p.58-60 ]
- Great Rift Skyguard
[ Races of Faerūn p.183-4 ]
- Green Hunter
[ Dragon Magazine #294, p.68-9 ]
- Green Whisperer
[ Dragon Magazine #311, p.69-70 ]
- Guardian Paramount
[ Epic Level Handbook p.30-1 ]
- Guild Thief
[ Forgotten Realms p.45 ]
- Guild Wizard of Waterdeep
[ Magic of Faerūn p.26-8 ]
- Halfling Outrider
[ Sword and Fist p.22-4 ]
[ Complete Warrior p. 38-40 ]
- Harper Mage
[ Magic of Faerūn p.28-9 ]
- Harper Priest
[ Magic of Faerūn p.29-31 ]
- Harper Scout
[ Forgotten Realms p.46-7 ]
- Hathran
[ Forgotten Realms p.47-8 ]
- Heartfire Fanner
[ Dragon Magazine #314 p.23-4 ]
- Heartwarder
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.196-7 ]
- Herald
[ Dragon Magazine Annual 2000, p.86-7 ]
- Hexer
[ Masters of the Wild p.63-5 ]
- Hierophant
[ Forgotten Realms p.48-9 ]
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.188-9 ]
- High Proselytizer
[ Epic Level Handbook p.31-3 ]
- Holy Liberator
[ Defenders of the Faith p.57-60 ]
- Hordebreaker
[ Silver Marches p.110-12 ]
- Horizon Walker
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.189-91 ]
- Horned Harbinger
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.197-8 ]
- Hospitaler
[ Defenders of the Faith p.60-2 ]
- Hulking Hurler
[ Complete Warrior p.40-2 ]
- Hunter of the Dead
[ Defenders of the Faith p.62-3 ]
[ Complete Warrior p.42-4 ]
- Illithid Body Tamer
[ The Underdark p.35-7 ]
- Illithid Savant
[ Savage Species p.77-9 ]
- Imaskari Vengeance Taker
[ The Underdark p.37-9 ]
- Incanatrix
[ Magic of Faerūn p.31-2 ]
- Inquisitor of the Drowning Goddess
[ The Underdark p.39-40 ]
- Invisible Blade
[ Complete Warrior p.44-6 ]
- Itinerant Warder of Yondalla
[ Dragon Magazine #328 p.26-7 ]
- Jester
[ Dragon Magazine #330 p.74-7 ]
- Jobber
[ Dragon Magazine #310, p.72-3 ]
- Justice Hammer of Moradin
[ Dragon Magazine #328 p.28-9 ]
- Justiciar
[ Dragon Magazine #290, p.90-1 ]
[ Complete Warrior p.46-9 ]
- Kabuki Warrior
[ Dragon Magazine #298, p.103-4 ]
- Kensai
[ Complete Warrior p.49-52 ]
- King/Queen of the Wild
[ Masters of the Wild p.65-6 ]
- Knight of the Chalice
[ Defenders of the Faith p.63-5 ]
[ Complete Warrior p.53-5 ]
- Knight of the Chase
[ Dragon Magazine #297, p.92-96 ]
- Knight-errant of Silverymoon
[ Silver Marches p.112-14 ]
- Knight Protector
[ Complete Warrior p.55-7 ]
- Lasher
[ Sword and Fist p.25-7 ]
- Legendary Dreadnought
[ Epic Level Handbook p.33-4 ]
- Lion of Talisid
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.65-6 ]
- Loremaster
[ Dungeon Master's Guide p.34-5 ]
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.191-2 ]
- Mage Killer
[ Magic of Faerūn p.32-4 ]
- Magic Filcher
[ Dragon Magazine #310, p.73-4 ]
- Master Alchemist
[ Magic of Faerūn p.34-5 ]
- Master Samurai
[ Sword and Fist p.29-30 ]
- Master Scavenger
[ Polyhedron #151, p.22-3 ]
- Master Siege Engineer
[ Dragon Magazine #295, p.76 ]
- Master Thrower
[ Complete Warrior p.58-60 ]
- Master of Chains
[ Sword and Fist p.27-8 ]
- Master of Flies
[ Savage Species p.80-3 ]
- Master of Shrouds
[ Defenders of the Faith p.66-8 ]
- Master of the East Wind
[ Dragon Magazine #314 p.36-7 ]
- Master of the North Wind
[ Dragon Magazine #314 p.34-5 ]
- Master of the Order of the Bow
[ Dragon Magazine #297, p.54-6 ]
- Master of the Secret Sound
[ Dragon Magazine #297, p.78-9 ]
- Master of the South Wind
[ Dragon Magazine #314 p.35-6 ]
- Master of the Unseen Hand
[ Complete Warrior p.60-62 ]
- Master of the West Wind
[ Dragon Magazine #314 p.37 ]
- Memory Smith
[ Dragon Magazine #311, p.68-9 ]
- Mighty Contender of Kord
[ Dragon Magazine #283 p.46-7 ]
- Mindbender
[ Tome and Blood p.63-4 ]
- Mindspy
[ Complete Warrior p. 62-3 ]
- Mole
[ Dragon Magazine #310, p.71-2 ]
- Monk of the Enabled Hand
[ Dragon Magazine #299, p.48-50 ]
- Mortal Hunter
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.64-6 ]
- Mourner
[ Dragon Magazine #311, p.67-8 ]
- Mystic Keeper of Corellon Larethian
[ Dragon Magazine #328 p.30-1 ]
- Mystic Theurge
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.192-3 ]
- Mystic Wanderer
[ Magic of Faerūn p.35-7 ]
- Nightcloak
[ Dragon Magazine #286, p.82-3 ]
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.198-200 ]
- Nightshade
[ Dragon Magazine #298, p.92-3 ]
- Nightsong Enforcer
[ Dragon Magazine #293, p.84-5 ]
- Nightsong Infiltratror
[ Dragon Magazine #294, p.66-7 ]
- Ninja
[ Sword and Fist p.30-32 ]
- Ocular Adept
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.200-01 ]
- Oozemaster
[ Masters of the Wild p.67-8 ]
- Orc Blademaster
[ Dragon Magazine #299, p.106-7 ]
- Orc Scout
[ Silver Marches p.114-15 ]
- Orc Warlord
[ Races of Faerūn p.184-5 ]
- Order of the Bow Initiate
[ Sword and Fist p.32-3 ]
- Outlaw of the Crimson Road
[ Song and Silence p.10-12 ]
- Pale Master
[ Tome and Blood p.64-7 ]
[ Libris Mortis p.47-9 ]
- Peerless Archer
[ Silver Marches p.115-17 ]
- Perfected One
[ Dragon Magazine #297, p.56-7 ]
- Perfect Wight
[ Epic Level Handbook p.34-5 ]
- Planar Champion
- Planetary Explorer
[ Polyhedron #151, p.23-5 ]
- Prairie Runner
[ Dragon Magazine #292, p.56-7 ]
- Primal Rager
[ Dragon Magazine #295, p.70-2 ]
- Prime Underdark Guide
[ The Underdark p.40-2 ]
- Prophet of Erathaol
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.66-7 ]
- Purple Dragon Highknight
[ Dragon Magazine Annual 2000, p. 62 ]
- Purple Dragon Knight
[ Forgotten Realms p.49-50 ]
- Radiant Servant of Pelor
[ Dragon Magazine #283 p.42-4 ]
- Reaper's Child
[ Dragon Magazine #299, p.37-8 ]
- Red Avenger
[ Sword and Fist p.34-5 ]
- Red Wizard
[ Forgotten Realms p.50-1 ]
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.193-4 ]
- Risen Martyr
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.68-9 ]
- Royal Explorer
[ Song and Silence p.13-14 ]
- Runecaster
[ Forgotten Realms p.51-2 ]
- Sacred Exorcist
[ Defenders of the Faith p.68-70 ]
- Sacred Fist
[ Defenders of the Faith p.70-2 ]
- Scaled Horror
[ Savage Species p.83-4 ]
- Sea Mother Whip
[ The Underdark p.42-3 ]
- Sensate
[ Dragon Magazine #287, p.48-9 ]
- Sentinel of Bharrai
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.69-70 ]
- Shadow Adept
[ Forgotten Realms p.52-3 ]
- Shadowcrafter
[ The Underdark p.43-4 ]
- Shadowdancer
[ Dungeon Master's Guide p.34-6 ]
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.194-6 ]
- Shifter
[ Masters of the Wild p.68-70 ]
- Shining Blade of Heironeous
[ Dragon Magazine #283 p.40-2 ]
- Shoal Servant
[ Dragon Magazine #300, p.61-4 ]
- Silverhair Knight
[ Dragon Magazine #315 p.28-31 ]
- Silverstar
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.201-02 ]
- Sinker
[ Dragon Magazine #287, p.49-50 ]
- Siren
[ Savage Species p.84-6 ]
- Skylord
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.70-3 ]
- Slaad Brooder
[ Savage Species p.86-9 ]
- Slayer of Domiel
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.73-5 ]
- Slime Lord
[ Player's Guide to Faerūn p.186-87 ]
- Soul Eater
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.66-7 ]
- Spelldancer
[ Magic of Faerūn p.37-8 ]
- Spellfire Channeler
[ Magic of Faerūn p.38-40 ]
- Spelljammer Ace
[ Polyhedron #151, p.25-6 ]
- Spellsinger
[ Races of Faerūn p.185-6 ]
- Spellsword
[ Tome and Blood p.67-9 ]
[ Complete Warrior p.79-80 ]
- Spur Lord
[ Lords of Darkness p.11-12 ]
- Spymaster
[ Song and Silence p.14-16 ]
- Stalker of Kharash
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.75-7 ]
- Stalwart Warden
[ Dragon Magazine #297, p.57-8 ]
- Stellar Corsair
[ Polyhedron #151, p.26-7 ]
- Stoneface
[ Dragon Magazine #310, p.74-5 ]
- Stonelord
[ Dragon Magazine #278, p.92-3 ]
- Stormlord
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.203-4 ]
- Storykeeper
[ Polyhedron #151, p.27-9 ]
- Strifeleader
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.204-5 ]
- Survivor
[ Savage Species p.89-90 ]
- Sword Dancer
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.205-6 ]
- Sword of Righteousness
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.77-8 ]
- Sybil
[ Savage Species p.90-3 ]
- Taker
[ Dragon Magazine #287, p.51-2 ]
- Tamer of Beasts
[ Masters of the Wild p.70-1 ]
- Techsmith
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.206-8 ]
- Tempest
[ Masters of the Wild p.72-3 ]
- Templar
[ Defenders of the Faith p.72-4 ]
- Temple Raider
[ Song and Silence p.16-18 ]
- Thaumaturgist
[ Dungeon Master's Guide V3.5 p.196-7 ]
- Thayan Knight
[ Lords of Darkness p.64-5 ]
- The Tainted
[ Dragon Magazine #302, p.32-44 ]
- Thief-Acrobat
[ Song and Silence p.18-20 ]
- Thrall of Demogorgon
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.67-8 ]
- Thrall of Fraz-Urb'luu
[ Dragon Magazine #333 p.31-4 ]
- Thrall of Graz'zt
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.68-9 ]
- Thrall of Jubilex
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.70 ]
- Thrall of Orcus
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.71-2 ]
- Thrall of Pazuzu
[ Dragon Magazine #329 p.61-4 ]
- Tiger Mask
[ Dragon Magazine #300, p.64-5 ]
- Tribal Protector
[ Sword and Fist p.35-6 ]
- Troubador of Stars
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.78-80 ]
- True Necromancer
[ Tome and Blood p.69-70 ]
- Unholy Ravager
[ Dragon Magazine #297, p.58-60 ]
- Union Sentinel
[ Epic Level Handbook p.35-6 ]
- Ur-Priest
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.72-3 ]
- Vassal of Bahamut
[ Book of Exalted Good, p.80-1 ]
- Verdant Lord
[ Masters of the Wild p.73-5 ]
- Vermin Keeper
[ The Underdark p.44-6 ]
- Vermin Lord
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.73-5 ]
- Vigilante
[ Song and Silence p.20-2 ]
- Virtuoso
[ Song and Silence p.22-4 ]
- Warmaster
[ Sword and Fist p.37-8 ]
- Warpriest
[ Defenders of the Faith p.74-5 ]
- Warrior of Darkness
[ Book of Vile Darkness p.75-6 ]
- Warrior Skald
[ Races of Faerūn p.186-8 ]
- Warsling Sniper
[ Races of Faerūn p.188-9 ]
- War Wizard of Cormyr
[ Magic of Faerūn p. 40-1 ]
- Watch Detective
[ Masters of the Wild p.75-7 ]
- Waverider
[ Savage Species p.93-7 ]
- Waveservant
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.209-210 ]
- Wayfarer Guide
[ Tome and Blood p.70-1 ]
- Weaponmaster
[ Sword and Fist p.38-39 ]
- Wearer of Purple
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.210-12 ]
- Wild Scout
[ Silver Marches p.117-18 ]
- Windrider
[ Masters of the Wild p.77-9 ]
- Windwalker
[ Faiths and Pantheons p.212-13 ]
- Wonderworker
[ Book of Exalted Deeds, p.81 ]
- World Guardian
[ Dragon Magazine #297, p.59-61 ]
- Worldspeaker
[ Dragon Magazine #311, p.65-7 ]
- Xaositect
[ Dragon Magazine #287, p.52-3 ]
- Yathchol Webrider
[ The Underdark p.46-7 ]
- Yathrinshee
[ Player's Guide to Faerūn p.187-89 ]
- Yuan-ti Cultist
[ Savage Species p.97-100 ]
- Zhentarim Skymage
[ Lords of Darkness p.102-3 ]
- Arcane Delver
[ The Quintessential Elf, p.29-31 ]
- Archaeologist
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.45-6 ]
- Beastrider
[ The Quintessential Elf, p.17-19 ]
- Blessed Master
[ The Quintessential Drow p.13-14 ]
- Blinded
[ The Quintessential Drow p.15-17 ]
- Boarding Marine
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.46 ]
- Brawler
[ The Quintessential Fighter p.15-16 ]
- Captain
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.48-9 ]
- Corsair
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.77-8 ]
- Creature Cultist
[ Plot and Poison p.59-61 ]
- Daring Fool
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.49-50 ]
- Darksight Slayer
[ Plot and Poison p.63-4 ]
- Darksoul
[ The Quintessential Elf, p.31-3 ]
- Deepsinger
[ Plot and Poison p.64-6 ]
- Dominant
[ Plot and Poison p.66-8 ]
- Dweomer Defender
[ Plot and Poison p.68-9 ]
- Entertainment Officer
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.51-2 ]
- Field Surgeon
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.52-3 ]
- Green Sentinel
[ The Quintessential Elf, p.27-9 ]
- Helmsman
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.53-4 ]
- Keeper of Songs
[ The Quintessential Elf, p.25-7 ]
- Man of Will
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.54-5 ]
- Master Gunner
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.55-6 ]
- Master of the Hunt
[ The Quintessential Elf, p.24-5 ]
- Master Summoner
[ Plot and Poison p.71-2 ]
- Midshipman
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.56-7 ]
- Naval Marine
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.57-8 ]
- Order of the Silver Heart
[ The Quintessential Elf, p.35-7 ]
- Primordial Spirit
[ The Quintessential Elf, p.33-5 ]
- Saboteur
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.61-2 ]
- Ship's Chaplain
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.62-3 ]
- Speaker of the Stars
[ The Quintessential Elf, p.20-2 ]
- Spell Addict
[ Plot and Poison p.72-3 ]
- Submissive
[ Plot and Poison p.73-5 ]
- Topman
[ Swashbuckling Adventures p.63-4 ]
- Transmorph
[ Plot and Poison p.77-8 ]
- Unseen Sniper
[ Plot and Poison p.78-9 ]
- Vermin Outrider
[ Plot and Poison p.79-81 ]
- Vile Tormentor
[ Plot and Poison p.81-2 ]
- Voice of the Forest
[ The Quintessential Elf, p.20-2 ]
- Windlord
[ The Quintessential Elf, p.19-20 ]
Page Last Updated July 6th, 2006

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The domain name http://www.roleplaynexus.com and all its subdirectories [Descent Into Darkness - Drow Campaign of the Forgotten Realms, Zartenoth - Land of the Coming Storm, Storm Riders of Zartenoth] belong to Lisa Lassiter and all are protected by federal laws. Any duplication in part or in full, without written consent is a violation of these laws. The visuals, such as graphics, backgrounds and music have their own Copyrights and were free to use with permission.
The majority of the d20 material gathered and contained within are property and copyrighted to various roleplay companies such as Wizards of the Coast, which is a Hasbro® owned company with its own Terms & Conditions to follow (see the Open Gaming License). Any pictures not specifically stating otherwise are property of Lisa Lassiter, having been commissioned by various artists. The artists hold the respective copyrights in most cases, and you need both the express written permission of ourselves and the artist in question to use such graphics. If you wish to use any information on this site (that we have deemed of our own creation as opposed to Open Gaming Material and material otherwise copyrighted to someone else) please contact the webmasters and all respective creditors mentioned in this statement. Thank you.
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